Learning how to set, and then achieve, every one of your goals is the simplest, fastest path to living an amazing life...

Turning Your goals into reality is the true "Secret" to living an amazing life.

Goals are at the heart of every great book on achievement from "Think and Grow Rich," "Acres Of Diamonds," "The Power of Positive Thinking," The Bible," the list of books that talks about the power and values of goals is endless. 

The majority of people who set goals fail to achieve most of them!

My name is Greg Herder, and 35 years ago I had the opportunity to go to work for the amazing and legendary personal development trainer Jim Rohn. For two years it was like having a backstage pass to a mastermind group of success. The number of people who Jim mentored and credit Jim's principles for transforming their lives is incredible. It ranges from Anthony Robbins, Mark Hughes (Founder of Herbal Life), Mark Victor Hanson, Jack Canfield, Brain Tracy, Jim Britt, and so many others. Jim taught that creating a crystal clear set of goals was the first step to living the life of your dreams. He said the second step was taking action towards those goals.  

When we are young, we say we want it all! But only a few actually create a compelling set of goals and take action towards them. As the years go by, we start to rationalize it. We tell ourselves we will do it as soon as we get some more time, or when we have a little more, money, or when the right opportunity pops up.

We are inspired by the guy who started a business and works 4 hours a day... 

the woman who quit her job and is traveling the world... 

we dream of being the next Mark Zuckerberg... 

we believe we could do it if…

The truth is we have not even made a valid move towards making our dreams a reality. 

We "know" we should work out more...

but instead, we watch YouTube videos of people working out.

We "know" we should manage and save our money... 

"but look at this amazing sale. I would look so good in that, or this is a once in a lifetime experience, I will save money later."

We "know" we want to improve our productivity...

but we buy a productivity app that we don't use, but feel better because we have one. 

There is so much coming at us today, so many distractions. 

It's almost impossible to focus on achieving our goals...

even though we genuinely want to. We don’t even know where to start...

it's especially challenging when so many options and action steps could potentially work. So we find ourselves using the S-word: "I really should do that."

That's code for, "I know I should take action...but I'm not going to. 

But saying I should, or I will, makes me feel better right now."

It doesn't have to be this way. I know because I used to play those same mind games with myself. 

Then I would get down on myself. I would remind myself that I worked for Jim Rohn, had a great head start on everyone else, and just think that I am blowing it! I should have accomplished so much more. I should be as famous as Tony Robbins, if I just had his charisma, it could be me! 

But guess what? I was not working on becoming more charismatic! 

One day I finally got sick and tired of listening to my excuses. So I pulled out all my notes that I had from Jim, got all the books I had on goal setting and accomplishment and started going through them all. 

I quickly realized that even though I thought I had a set of goals, they were more like daydreams. They were not clear or compelling. They were not in alignment with my core beliefs about life. But as I went through the books and reviewed my notes from Jim, they all stated that until your goals are clear, compelling, and in alignment with your core values, you don’t have a real set of goals. 

I did not know what my core values were. 

Trying to figure out what my core values were was much harder than I thought. In the process, and through many attempts and refinements, I developed a values clarification worksheet that crystallized them for me. 

I came up with an action plan, but working on the plan quickly took up all my time. As I planned, I kept thinking I needed more information, so I read more books, took some courses. But then I needed, even more, information. 

Finally, a friend of mine said, "Greg, you have to stop looking for more information." 

If you try to figure it all out in advance you will never actually start. 

Let's face it if you have a goal to lose 20 pounds; you do not need more information on the value of diet and exercise. You already know you need to eat less and exercise more! 

I eventually came up with a five-step goal achievement system that focused on taking action. And guess what. When I started taking action, I started achieving my goals. Then I started teaching this to others, and I found out that it worked for them, as well. It can work for you, as well. 

I got so excited about this information; I gave it away. But when I did, people did not place value on it and failed to take action. The funny thing was that the more people paid for my five step goal achievement system the more they used it to change their lives.  

This five-step system takes the guesswork out of actually achieving your goals.

What would it be worth to you to how to correctly set up actionable goals and know that you can achieve every goal you set?

The truth is, the value for that cannot be captured in a dollar amount. I want to weed out the people who will not take action, but I DO want to make it accessible to anyone who is serious about setting and achieving their goals.

You may be asking, will this work for me?

I can tell you with confidence; it will. I know because I have seen it work for hundreds of people who have attended one of my seminars. 100% of us are buffeted by the winds of change. The difference between the 99% and the 1% is that the 1% have defined, focused goals that they are consistently moving towards, every minute of every day. Whereas the 99% just spend most of their lives reacting to things that happen to them. The 99% don't have a 'formula' for achieving goals in their life, and they believe that things will change without a method for getting there!

Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think you'll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again? If I keep touching a hot stove and keep getting burned - I'd be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won't get burned again!

Are you ready to do something different? My five step goal accomplishment system can change everything thing for you. I have seen it happen over and over again. I know it can happen for you if you are willing to get clear on what you want and take small regular action steps.

So, if you are tired of the "same old, same old" and you are ready for real change, if you TRULY want to make 2016 better than every previous year of "just getting by," then you are ready for my program.

So now that you are ready, what exactly do you get?

Five training videos that walk you through my five-step system. I give you exercises to do, and you email them, and I will review them to make sure you are moving in the right direction. This accountability is key. Plus you can email personally with questions.

Normally, this program is $495. But for a limited time, you can enroll for only $197. And the program comes with 60-day money back guarantee. So, if you are still reading this, maybe you ARE ready to leave the 99% of others and upgrade your life and become one of the 1% who has what they need and what it takes to accomplish your goals and improve your life. If that is the case, see that red button below? That is THE FIRST STEP in your quest to get there! See you on the other side!